Tableau Certified Consultant Certification Exam Syllabus

Consultant Syllabus, Consultant PDF Download, Tableau Consultant Dumps, Tableau Certified Consultant Dumps PDF Download, Tableau Certified Consultant PDF DownloadThis page is a one-stop solution for any information you may require for Tableau Certified Consultant Certification exam. The Tableau Consultant Exam Summary, Syllabus Topics and Sample Questions provide the base for the actual Tableau Certified Consultant exam preparation, we have designed these resources to help you get ready to take your dream exam.

The Tableau Certified Consultant credential is globally recognized for validating Tableau Certified Consultant knowledge. With the Tableau Certified Consultant Certification credential, you stand out in a crowd and prove that you have the Tableau Certified Consultant knowledge to make a difference within your organization. The Tableau Certified Consultant Certification exam will test the candidate's knowledge on following areas.

Tableau Consultant Exam Summary:

Exam Name Tableau Certified Consultant
Exam Code Consultant
Exam Duration 120 minutes
Exam Questions 40-45
Passing Score 750/1000
Exam Price $250 (USD)
Exam Registration Pearson VUE
Sample Questions Tableau Certified Consultant Certification Sample Question
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Tableau Consultant Exam Topics:

Objective Details

Evaluate Current State - 28%

Map current state of analytics to future state - Evaluate existing reports, including volume, gap analysis, performance, and data accuracy
- Map existing reports, data products, and business needs to Tableau capabilities
- Translate analytical requirements into Tableau context by using best practices
- Recommend whether to use Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud, including migration
Evaluate current data structures - Evaluate whether existing data supports business needs
- Evaluate lineage of existing data structures
- Evaluate existing data structures for performance risks
- Evaluate existing data structures for performance enhancement opportunities

Plan and Prepare Data Connections - 19%

Plan for data transformation - Recommend an appropriate data storage method, data structure, and strategy
- Recommend an appropriate tool to transform data, including Tableau Desktop, Tableau Prep, or an ETL product
- Identify impact of static and responsive calculations in Tableau Prep and Tableau workbooks
- Specify the requirements for minimum level of granularity
Design a row-level security (RLS) data structure - Implement RLS and an entitlement table
- Identify group functions versus user functions
- Implement hierarchies to support RLS
- Compare RLS approaches
Plan and implement advanced connections to data - Recommend an appropriate method to connect to data, such as Web Data Connectors, web extract APIs, custom SQL, or ODBC
- Create connections by using Tableau Bridge
- Recommend how to prepare data to meet specific requirements, including shaping and combining
- Specify aggregation level and strategy for data sources in Tableau products (Tableau Desktop, Tableau Prep, Tableau Cloud, Tableau Server)
- Identify the minimum fields required for analysis
- Troubleshoot complex data issues and connections

Design and Troubleshoot Calculations and Workbooks - 39%

Design analytics for advanced use cases - Recommend when to use an advanced chart type, such as Sankey, chord, radar, tile map, small multiples, and data densification
- Plan and implement the necessary calculations for customized charts
- Identify the effect of the Tableau order of operations on calculations
- Troubleshoot issues caused by the Tableau order of operations
- Plan and implement advanced techniques to build interactivity into dashboards, such as dynamic URL actions, parameter actions, filter actions, and sheet swapping
- Identify use cases for augmented analytics, such as Ask Data, Explain Data, and Data Stories
Design workbooks to optimize performance - Identify and resolve resource-intensive queries
- Maximize caching for Tableau Server
- Identify and resolve performance issues caused by calculations such as string comparisons, IF THEN statements, and Level of Detail (LOD) expressions
- Recommend calculations that should be moved upstream of Tableau
- Interpret and resolve issues by using performance recordings
- Identify and resolve performance issues caused by design elements such as number of sheets, number of filters, and image size
Implement advanced calculations that include multiple steps - Implement aggregations that include dimensions
- Implement advanced table calculations, such as window, nested table, or multi-directional
- Implement advanced date functions, such as fiscal calendars
- Implement advanced LODs, such as nested LODs
- Implement combinations of advanced calculations
- Troubleshoot advanced calculations

Establish Governance and Support Published Content - 14%

Recommend and apply a Tableau governance strategy - Map an organization's governance requirements to Tableau features and capabilities
- Recommend a strategy for securing access to content
- Recommend a strategy for organizing content, such as by function, by organization, and by role
- Recommend a strategy for ensuring data quality, including certifying data sources, minimizing data proliferation, and configuring data quality warnings
- Evaluate compliance with a governance strategy by using Data Catalog, including Data Lineage
Design custom administrative views - Interpret the repository schema and event types
- Specify insights that require a custom administrative view
- Specify appropriate permissions to create administrative views
Recommend a content distribution strategy - Map publishing requirements to features and capabilities of Tableau
- Recommend an approach for the workbook lifecycle, including building, testing, deployment, distribution, and maintenance
- Recommend a version control strategy within Tableau
Identify and resolve errors external to Tableau - Identify and resolve connection authentication and network access
- Identify and resolve update failures that originate from the source system
- Identify other issues that originate from outside Tableau, such as platform or network outage

The Tableau has created this credential to assess the knowledge and understanding of a candidate in the area as above via the certification exam. The Tableau Certified Consultant Certification exam contains a high value in the market being the brand value of the Tableau attached with it. It is highly recommended to a candidate to do a thorough study and also get a hand full of the practice to clear Tableau Certified Consultant exam without any hiccups.

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