SAS A00-406 Certification Exam Syllabus

A00-406 Syllabus, A00-406 PDF Download, SAS A00-406 Dumps, SAS Machine Learning Dumps PDF Download, SAS Viya Supervised Machine Learning Pipelines PDF DownloadThis page is a one-stop solution for any information you may require for SAS Viya Supervised Machine Learning Pipelines (A00-406) Certification exam. The SAS A00-406 Exam Summary, Syllabus Topics and Sample Questions provide the base for the actual SAS Certified Specialist - Machine Learning Using SAS Viya exam preparation, we have designed these resources to help you get ready to take your dream exam.

The SAS Viya Supervised Machine Learning Pipelines credential is globally recognized for validating SAS Machine Learning knowledge. With the SAS Certified Specialist - Machine Learning Using SAS Viya Certification credential, you stand out in a crowd and prove that you have the SAS Machine Learning knowledge to make a difference within your organization. The SAS Viya Supervised Machine Learning Pipelines Certification (A00-406) exam will test the candidate's knowledge on following areas.

SAS A00-406 Exam Summary:

Exam Name SAS Viya Supervised Machine Learning Pipelines
Exam Code A00-406
Exam Duration 90 minutes
Exam Questions 50-55
Passing Score 62%
Exam Price $180 (USD)
Books Machine Learning Using SAS Viya
Machine Learning with SAS Viya
Exam Registration Pearson VUE
Sample Questions SAS Viya Supervised Machine Learning Pipelines Certification Sample Question
Practice Exam SAS Viya Supervised Machine Learning Pipelines Certification Practice Exam

SAS A00-406 Exam Topics:

Objective Details

Data Sources (30-36%)

Create a project in Model Studio - Bring data into Model Studio for analysis
  • Import data from a local source (Import tab)
  • Add data from a stored data source (Data Sources tab)
  • Use an in-memory data source (Available tab)

- Create Model Studio Pipelines with the New Pipeline window

  • Automatically generate pipelines
  • Pipeline templates

- Advanced Advisor options

  • Maximum class level
  • Maximum % missing
  • Interval cut-off

- Partition data into training, validation, and test

  • Explain why partitioning is important
  • Explain the different methods to partition data (stratified vs simple random)

- Use Event Based Sampling for rare events.
- Set up Node Configuration

Explore the data - Use the DATA EXPLORATION node
- Profile data during data definition
- Preliminary data exploration using the data tab
- Save data with the SAVE DATA node
Modify data - Explain concepts of replacement, transformation, imputation, filtering, outlier detection
- Modify metadata within the DATA tab
- Modify metadata with the MANAGE VARIABLES node
- Use the REPLACEMENT node to update variable values
- Use the TRANSFORMATION node to correct problems with input data sources, such as variables distribution or outliers
- Use the IMPUTE node to impute missing values and create missing value indicators
- Prepare text data for modeling with the TEXT MINING node
- Explain common data challenges and remedies for supervised learning
Use the VARIABLE SELECTION node to identify important variables to be included in a predictive model - Unsupervised Selection
- Fast Supervised Selection
- Linear Regression Selection
- Decision Tree Selection
- Forest Selection
- Gradient Boosting Selection
- Create Validation from Training
- Use multiple methods within the same VARIABLE SELECTION node

Building Models (40-46%)

Describe key machine learning terms and concepts - Data partitioning: training, validation, test data sets
- Observations (cases), independent (input) variables/features, dependent (target) variables
- Measurement scales: Interval, ordinal, nominal (categorical), binary variables
- Supervised vs unsupervised learning
- Prediction types: decisions, rankings, estimates
- Curse of dimensionality, redundancy, irrelevancy
- Decision trees, neural networks, regression models, support vector machines (SVM)
- Model optimization, overfitting, underfitting, model selection
- Describe ensemble models
- Explain autotuning
Build models with decision trees and ensemble of trees - Explain how decision trees identify split points
  • Split search algorithm
  • Recursive partitioning
  • Decision tree algorithms
  • Multiway vs. binary splits
  • Impurity reduction
  • Gini, entropy, Bonferroni, IGR, FTEST, variance, chi-square, CHAID
  • Compare methods to grow decision trees for categorical vs continuous response variables

- Explain the effect of missing values on decision trees
- Explain surrogate rules
- Explain the purpose of pruning decision trees
- Explain bagging vs. boosting methods
- Build models with the DECISION TREE node

  • Adjust splitting options
  • Adjust pruning options

- Build models with the GRADIENT BOOSTING node

  • Adjust general options: number of trees, learning rate, L1/L2 regularization
  • Adjust Tree Splitting options
  • Adjust early stopping

- Build models with the FOREST node

  • Adjust number of trees
  • Adjust tree splitting options

- Interpret decision tree, gradient boosting, and forest results (fit statistics, output, tree diagrams, tree maps, variable importance, error plots, autotuned results)

Build models with neural networks - Describe the characteristics of neural network models
  • Universal approximation
  • Neurons, hidden layers, perceptrons, multilayer perceptrons
  • Weights and bias
  • Activation functions
  • Optimization Methods (LBFGS and Stochastic Gradient Descent)
  • Variable standardization
  • Learning rate, annealing rate, L1/L2 regularization

- Build models with the NEURAL NETWORK node

  • Adjust number of layers and neurons
  • Adjust optimization options and early stopping criterion

- Interpret NEURAL NETWORK node results (network diagram, iteration plots, and output)

Build models with support vector machines - Describe the characteristics of support vector machines.
- Build model with the SVM node
  • Adjust general properties (Kernel, Penalty, Tolerance)

- Interpret SVM node results (Output)

Use Model Interpretability tools to explain black box models - Partial Dependence plots
- Individual Conditional Expectation plots
- Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations plots
- Kernel-SHAP plots
Incorporate externally written code - Open Source Code node
- SAS Code node
- Score Code Import node

Model Assessment and Deployment Models (24-30%)

Explain the principles of Model Assessment - Explain different dimensions for model comparison
  • Training speed
  • Model application speed
  • Tolerance
  • Model clarity

- Explain honest assessment

  • Evaluate a model with a holdout data set

- Use the appropriate fit statistic for different prediction types

  • Average error for estimates
  • Misclassification for decisions

- Explain results from the INSIGHTS tab

Assess and compare models in Model Studio - Compare models with the MODEL COMPARISON node
- Compare models with the PIPELINE COMPARISON tab
- Interpret Fit Statistics, Lift Reports, ROC reports, Event Classification chart
- Interpret Fairness and Bias plots
Deploy a model - Exporting score code
- Registering a model
- Publish a model

The SAS has created this credential to assess the knowledge and understanding of a candidate in the area as above via the certification exam. The SAS Machine Learning (A00-406) Certification exam contains a high value in the market being the brand value of the SAS attached with it. It is highly recommended to a candidate to do a thorough study and also get a hand full of the practice to clear SAS Viya Supervised Machine Learning Pipelines exam without any hiccups.

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