SAS Advanced Predictive Modeling (A00-225) Certification Exam Sample Questions

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To make your preparation easier for the SAS A00-225 exam, we strongly recommend you to use our Premium SAS Advanced Predictive Modeling Certification Practice Exam. According to our survey with certified candidates, you can easily score more than 85% in your actual SAS Advanced Analytics Professional exam if you score 100% in our premium certification practice exams.

SAS A00-225 Sample Questions:

01. In order to take advantage of a neural network’s ability to model a nonlinear relationship between inputs and outputs, which feature of the network is necessary?
a) The inclusion of direct connections between the input and output units in the network.
b) At least one hidden layer with a non-linear activation function.
c) A non-linear combination function in the output units.
d) A sigmoidal activation function in the output units.
02. What is the primary purpose of weight decay?
a) Prevent overfitting.
b) Prevent underfitting.
c) Avoid bad local minima.
d) Increase convergence speed.
03. In the Open Source Integration node in SAS Enterprise Miner, which Output Mode(s) creates SAS DATA step score code for the user?
a) Predictive Modeling Markup Language (PMML)
b) None
c) Merge
d) Both PMML and Merge
04. Which statement is true with respect to the DECISIONTREE statement in PROC IMSTAT?
a) Only binary target variables are supported.
b) By default, pruning is based on assessment of a holdout sample.
c) The C4.5 decision tree methodology is employed to derive the decision tree.
d) Pruning can be controlled using the GREEDY option.
05. After a logistic regression has been created in SAS Visual Statistics, you discover that not all observations were used to create the model. How would you run the model on all of the data?
a) Include the correct interaction term.
b) Select Informative Missingness on the properties tab.
c) Include the correct offset term.
d) Select Use Variable Selection on the properties tab.
06. Which SAS Enterprise Miner node should you use to run a Python script?
a) Open Source Integration node
b) Model Import node
c) SAS Code node
d) Register Model node
07. McCulloch-Pits neurons used which activation functions?
a) hyperbolic tangent
b) logistic function
c) Elliot function
d) step function
08. Why is a decision tree an ideal surrogate model for a neural network?
a) The if-then rules are easy to interpret.
b) A decision tree is a black-box.
c) A decision tree can be used to do variable selection.
d) A decision tree is a parametric model.
09. The softmax activation function is appropriate for which type of target?
a) Continuous
b) Binary
c) Ordinal
d) Multinomial
10. In a forest, what is the out of bag (OOB) sample?
a) A random partition of the validation data
b) The partition of training data not used in growing an individual tree
c) The partition of training data not used in growing any tree
d) The partition of the validation data most closely resembling the data used to train a tree


Question: 1 Answer: b Question: 2 Answer: a
Question: 3 Answer: a Question: 4 Answer: c
Question: 5 Answer: b Question: 6 Answer: c
Question: 7 Answer: d Question: 8 Answer: a
Question: 9 Answer: d Question: 10 Answer: b

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