Seven Reason to Choose Big Data Analytics as a Career

Reason to Choose Big Data Analytics as a Career

Leaders are those who lead from the front and guide the team to success, however, these leaders are changing human brains to artificial inelegancy. Yes, this the truth that data analysis is the key factor in any business, now as well as earlier. The main thing what is changing is the scope of the work and size of the data getting the process to get the Juice out.

Big Data is everywhere and there is an urgent need to collect and preserve whatever data is being generated, for the fear of missing out on something important. There is a huge amount of data floating around. What we do with it is all that matters right now. This is why Big Data Analytics is in the frontiers of IT now a day.

Big Data Analytics has become crucial as it aids in improving business, decision makings and providing the biggest edge over the competitors. This applies to organizations as well as professionals in the Analytics domain. For professionals, who are skilled in Big Data Analytics, there is an ocean of opportunities out there.

Great Demand for Analytics Professionals:

The professionals who are experienced or having good Skillful hands in Analytics are in really high demand as organizations are looking for different ways to exploit, analyze and use the power of the Big Data. The number of job postings related to Analytics has increased substantially over the last 12 months, and this will keep hitting the sky for another 10 years, at least, this is also backed by the data-driven analysis from many job sites and they are also showing similar patterns as well. This apparent surge is due to the increased number of organizations implementing Analytics and thereby looking for Analytics professionals.

In a study by QuinStreet Inc., it was found that the trend of implementing Big Data Analytics is zooming and is considered to be a high priority among U.S. businesses. A majority of the organizations are in the process of implementing it or actively planning to add this feature within the next two years.

There is a Huge Deficit of Supply of Skilled Worker:

Yes, this true, as we already state, the demand is high and the improvement in the demand will remain the same for another 10 years as per the many surveys but the major factor which may help to take the decision to get into the Big Data Analytics field is the demand. There is a huge deficit on the supply side, globally. In spite of Big Data Analytics being a ‘Hot’ job, there are still a large number of unfilled jobs across the globe due to the shortage of required skill.

A McKinsey Global Institute study states that the US will face a shortage of about 190,000 data scientists and 1.5 million managers and analysts who can understand and make decisions using Big Data by 2018. There are two types of talent deficits: Data Scientists, who can perform analytics and Analytics Consultant, who can understand and use data. The talent supply for these job title, especially Data Scientists is extremely scarce and the demand is huge. Isn’t this a big factor to choose the career?

Payouts / Earnings:

This is another universal truth and does not need anything to prove, the salary in the field of Big Data Analytics is very high. Compare to any other engineering job Big Data Analytics Professional can draw as much as double. According to the 2015 Skills and Salary Survey Report published by the Institute of Analytics Professionals of Australia (IAPA), the annual median salary for data analysts is $130,000, up four percent from last year. Continuing the trend set in 2013 and 2014, the median respondent earns 184% of the Australian full-time median salary. The rising demand for analytics professionals is also reflected in IAPA’s membership, which has grown to more than 5000 members in Australia since its formation in 2006.

Data Analytics is becoming Top decision-Making Tool:

Analytics is a key competitive resource for many companies. There is no doubt about that. According to the ‘Analytics Advantage’ survey overseen by Tom Davenport, ninety-six percent of respondents feel that analytics will become more important to their organizations in the next three years. This is because there is a huge amount of data that is not being used and at this point, only rudimentary analytics is being done. About forty-nine percent of the respondents strongly believe that analytics is a key factor in better decision-making capabilities. There are many key business areas which can be improved, list of some important areas,

  1. Better Decision Making

  2. Better enablement of Strategic Initiative

  3. Help in improving Customer relationship

  4. Help Sensing Risk to mitigate in Time

Even though there is a fight for the title of ‘Greatest Benefit of Big Data Analytics’, one thing is undeniable and stands out the most: Analytics play an important role in driving business strategy and making effective business decisions.

Adoption of Big Data Analytics is Must to Grow:

As we already established, businesses know the important of the Big Data Analytics and that’s is why the is no doubt that the adoption of the Big Data Analytics is on the top most priority list of any organization. According to a survey, as less as one third is using the advanced analytics in one or other format (Remember, the criteria were any kind of Advanced Analytics and not only the sophisticated tools), so the area of expansion is huge.

Reason to Choose Big Data Analytics as a Career
When we talk about the adoption of the tool, Big Data Analytics tools, the adoption of Apache Hadoop framework continues to be the popular choice. There are various commercial as well as open-source frameworks to choose from and organizations are making the appropriate choice based on their requirement and budget. Following is the graphical presentation of Survey on Big Data Analytics tool adoption by Peer Research.

Big Data Analytics is Used Everywhere:

It is a Proven that there is a huge demand for Big Data Analytics owing to its awesome features. The tremendous growth is also due to the varied domain across which Analytics is being utilized. The graphical presentation below shows the job opportunities across various domains. 

Reason to Choose Big Data Analytics as a Career

Numerous Choices in Job Titles and Type of Analytics:

From a career point of view, there are so many options available, in terms of the domain as well as nature of job. Since Analytics is utilized in varied fields, there are numerous job titles for one to choose from.

  • Big Data Analytics Business Consultant

  • Big Data Analytics Architect

  • Big Data Engineer

  • Big Data Solution Architect

  • Big Data Analyst

  • Analytics Associate

  • Business Intelligence and Analytics Consultant

  • Metrics and Analytics Specialist

Big Data Analytics career is deep and one can choose from the 3 types of data analytics depending on the Big Data environment.

  • Prescriptive Analytics

  • Predictive Analytics

  • Descriptive Analytics.


In the film, it is possible that Machine takes over the human but in reality, Humans brain cannot be replaced by any machine, and this is for at least another 10 to 15 Years. So Humans, what are you waiting for or thinking, this is the most, most right time to get into the analytics field. There are Numbers of certificates courses available, I am listing some of the most common names below.

SAS Certifications

IBM Certifications

Cloudera Apache and Hadoop Certifications

Microsoft Certifications

Dell EMC Certifications

Choose one based on your career choice and field. You can even take a guidance either offline or online to get help in choosing the correct certificate for yourself. 

All the very Best.

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